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Profile Info

This section provides information about viewing member profiles.

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The profile stats screen may be viewed by selecting Show Stats from a member's profile info summary. Some interesting information may be found here.

  • Total Time Spent Online - The forum keeps an approximation of the total amount of time each member has spent browsing the forum.
  • Total Posts - Excluding removed posts, the forum calculates the total number of posts made by each member.
  • Total Topics Started - Excluding removed topics, the forum calculates the total number of topics started by each member.
  • Number of Polls Created - Excluding removed polls, the forum calculates the total number of polls created by each member.
  • Number of Votes Cast - Excluding removed votes, the total number of votes cast by each member.
  • Posting Activity By Time - The forum calculates the percentage of posts made by a member in each hour of the day.
  • Most Popular Boards By Posts - The forum generates a ranking of the boards most posted in by the member, relative to the member's total post count.
  • Most Popular Boards By Activity - The forum generates a ranking of the boards most posted in by the member, relative to the board's total post count.

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