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Author Topic: Arrowverse Viewing Order  (Read 1849 times)


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Offline shadav

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Arrowverse Viewing Order
« on: June 27, 2020, 03:52:17 PM »
« Last Edit: June 27, 2020, 04:23:41 PM by shadav »
due to the length of the list, I can not add it into the posts.....
so please make sure to check out the link below

I have tried to minimize jumping between shows
S = Season | E= Episode
if it only says S01 that means all of that season
I've added a few extras that fall into the storyline

Thanks to a few different crossovers and multiverses, there are some added few bonus shows, if you want to watch some older shows before starting this list....

Some things that we know: ShowHide

Earth 1: Arrow, Flash (current), Constantine, Legends Of Tomorrow, Vixen, Batwoman
Earth 90: Flash (older series)
Earth X: Freedom Fighters: The Ray
Earth 38: Supergirl
Earth (unknown): Birds of Prey, Smallville, Black Lightning, Titans, Doom Patrol
Some other shows that aren't yet related would include
Gotham, which earth does this fall on, will it become a crossover and part of the arrowverse?
Lucifer, is based off of a dc comic so will this also end up as a crossover?
Titans will be part of the crossover this year, making both Titans and Doom Patrol part of the arrowverse

  • Alternative Storylines
  • List of Earths before Crisis On Infinite Earths
  • List of Earths after Crisis On Infinite Earths






Superman (1941)S01
Earth 75 (?)
Wonder Woman (1975)S01
Earth 76
Batman (1966)S01
Earth 66
Green Hornet (1966)S01
Earth 66
Batman: The Movie (1966)

Earth 66
Batman (1966)S02S03Earth 66
Batman: Return of the Caped Crusaders (2016)

Earth 66
Batman vs Two-Face (2017)

Earth 66
Wonder Woman (1975)S02S03Earth 76
Superman (1978)

Earth 96
Superman II (1980)

Earth 96
Superman Returns (2006)

Earth 96
Batman: The Movie (1989)

Earth 89
Batman Returns (1992)

Earth 89
The Flash (1990)S01
Earth 90
Kara and the Chronicles of KryptonS01 E01S01 E06

Oliver Queen ChroniclesS01 E01S01 E06

SmallvilleS01 E01S02 E02

Chloe Chronicles Intro

SmallvilleS02 E03

Chloe ChroniclesS01 E01

SmallvilleS02 E04

Chloe ChroniclesS01 E02

SmallvilleS02 E05

Chloe ChroniclesS01 E03

SmallvilleS02 E06

Chloe ChroniclesS01 E04

SmallvilleS02 E07S02 E11

Chloe ChroniclesS02 E01S02 E07

SmallvilleS02 E12S02 E23

Birds of PreyS01
There's 2 pilots to this series
SmallvilleS03 E01S05 E15

Vengeance ChroniclesS01 E01S01 E07

SmallvilleS05 E16S06 E22

Smallville: Justice and Doom

SmallvilleS07 E01S10 E22

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